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Interfarm Games

Hello farmers,

We've been scheming for many months about how fun it would be to have a big inter-farm, all-ages game of capture the flag

Yes, it's May, and yes, we're all busy, but why not come over and run around like crazy and enjoy a Sunday before CSA season really kicks off?? 

We can play other games, too, if folks have fun outdoor games to play. 

What: Outdoor games!

Where: Whetstone Farm, 281 135th St. Amery, WI 54001

When: Sunday, May 26th, 2PM

 Contact: Chris Mann: 612-202-7841

We'll play all afternoon, or until we're tuckered out. If you want to stay for dinner, we'll fire up the grill so please bring something to throw on the grill and/or a side and we can have an informal potuck to follow. 

Earlier Event: April 20
Sheep Shearing
Later Event: June 9
Whetstone Farm CSA Brunch